Clients de machines d’extrusion

Songhu Lab 3D printer filament extruder machine

Machine d’extrusion de filament d’imprimante 3D Songhu Lab « expédition » Philippines

German customer n came to our factory to accept the lab 3D printer filament extruder machine. Customer n's factory is located in the Philippines, accompanied by the customer's wife Ms. s (British nationality) and

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South Africa

Afrique du Sud

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Why do high-end customers in Europe and America frequently choose Songhu as a supplier of 3D printing consumables?

Pourquoi les clients haut de gamme en Europe et en Amérique choisissent-ils fréquemment Songhu comme fournisseur de consommables d’impression 3D ?

On December 26, Songhu welcomed the customers of Italian 3D printer fialment production line. In just three days, the customers experienced a series of equipment procurement processes from understanding Songhu,

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Build a bridge of trust between China and Europe with the spirit of professional craftsmanship

Construire un pont de confiance entre la Chine et l’Europe dans l’esprit de l’artisanat professionnel

Thanks to the trust of XXX, a customer from Europe and Spain, who has never visited our Songhu factory . I just listened to a friend's introduction: Songhu is reliable, and chose Songhu among the yunyun factorie

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Filaments Client

European filament customer

Client européen de filaments

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U.S.A filament customer

Client de filaments aux États-Unis

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Clients d’imprimantes 3D

Egyptian 3D printer customers

Clients égyptiens d’imprimantes 3D

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